Geography of Sibonga


  The Municipality of Sibonga lies 50.7 Kms. south of Cebu City. It is bounded on the North by the Municipality of Carcar; on the South by the Municipality of Argao; on the West by the Municipalities of Dumanjug and Ronda; and on the East by Bohol Strait.

Class : 5th 
Annual Income:(As of 1996) P 8,660,369.95 
No. of Barangays: 25 
Total Land Area (Cadastral Survey): 11,154.00 

Land Classification as of (Latest Year)
Arable Area: 5,550.00 Has. 
Residential : 350.00 Has. 
Commercial : 35.50 Has. 
Industrial : 12.00 Has. 

Certified Alienable /Disposable Land: 8,704.00 Has.
Classified Forest/Reservation/Timberland: 690.00 Has.Wildlife/Military Reserve Land : none 
Unclassified Forest Land/Wilderness : none 
National Parks/Playgrounds : 3.00 Has. 
Sibonga has a mixed topographic profile. The eastern portion are practically flatlands or plains where the urban area is located. The southern portion is slightly mountainous while the northern and central parts are very steep.

Climate : 

Falls under the third type of climatic condition characterized by no pronounced dry and wet season.

Soil Type : 

Lugo clay Faraon clay Mandaue clay Hydrosol

Population: (Latest NCSO Survey-1994 ) 39,426  
No. of Household: 7,740 
Labor Force: 

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